Tooth Extraction

Tooth Extraction

What is a Tooth Extraction?

Extracting a tooth is often necessary when no other treatment is available. Some teeth are simply problematic, like wisdom teeth, and leaving them in could cause dental and oral problems later on. We offer safe and comfortable extractions in our office. The extraction process is very simple and we take all necessary steps to ease your fear and anxiety while in the dental chair.

Why would a Tooth Extraction be needed?

Oftentimes, an extraction of a tooth is necessary if no other treatment is available to save a tooth. This might be a tooth that is severely decayed, loose because of gum disease or one that’s cracked far below the gum line. You may need to have a tooth removed that is problematic to your oral health, like an impacted wisdom tooth. Some children may need to have baby teeth extracted that aren’t falling out on their own.

what is a tooth extraction min new
who is a candidate for a tooth extraction min new

Who is a candidate for a Tooth Extraction?

We try our best to offer other treatments prior to recommending an extraction. An exam can help us in providing you with these options. If you feel an extraction is the right choice, we can provide you with the care that you need. Aftercare for an extraction is simple, and we provide you with all of the instructions and information that you’ll need to care for your smile.

What happens during a Tooth Extraction?

We begin by administering either a local or general anesthetic. We can discuss your sedative options before the actual surgery. We then use special instruments to loosen and remove a tooth from its underlying bone. Sutures (stitches) may be placed if they are needed. We then have you bite down on gauze to stop any bleeding. You can go home and will be given important care instructions to ensure that the area heals properly. You will find that your oral health benefits from having problem teeth extracted.

If you think you might need to have one of your teeth extracted, call our office now at 858-350-9977, and we can help answer all of your questions.

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